CASS – European Institute of Management Studies


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management Program

Program Structure

The structure of the program is as follows:

  • Stage 1: Fundamentals of Academic Research Courses – i.e. Philosophy of Science, Qualitative Research Methodology, and Quantitative Research Methodology.
  • Stage 2: Specialized modules in management, research seminars, and workshops.
  • Stage 3: Research leading to the PhD thesis.

Students start the program by completing three obligatory modules concerned with the fundamentals of academic research as outlined above. Following successful completion of these modules students proceed to complete a number of specialized modules in management as well as research seminars and workshops. At this stage students are also encouraged to take part in research seminars and/or workshops organized by other higher education institutions so as to enable them broaden their perspective of the latest developments in the field. Stage three of the program focuses specifically on research leading to the PhD thesis which must be presented and defended in a viva voce. Students are given the opportunity to present and discuss their research in workshops and receive feedback on their work before presentation and defense of their PhD thesis in a viva examination.